what is content repurposing

In this article I provide tips for creating new high quality content from old material or repurposing blog content for social platforms, email subscribers or as guest posts.

So What Is Content Repurposing And Why Should You Do It?

Repurposing content is the process of taking existing content and reworking it into new content to use on current or new marketing channels. It can be a as simple as making a few tweaks to one blog post to add new information for a specific target audience, or a more complex process of turning in depth video based content into a series of mini reels or quotes for blog graphics. It’s a bit like taking a napkin and folding it in different ways to make it a decorative piece for the dinner table to suit the occasion or audience (that explains my choice of image for this blog!).

Perhaps you have a blog post which feels a bit dated and you don’t know what to do with it? Or maybe you are struggling to come up with new topics to write about? Thinking of ways to repurpose your content can help.

Here are a few of the benefits of this content creation process:

  • To reach / attract new audiences:
    By reworking content into new formats, you can reach followers who may not have seen it the first time around.
  • To increase organic traffic to your website or blog content
    When you do keyword research and repurpose content in the right way adding more value, you can also increase your organic search visibility in search engines (SEO).
  • Attract new email subscribers
  • To save time:
    Rather than starting from scratch each time, repurposing content can get your content out there faster.

Need to know more about keywords and how they work? Check out this article: What is a Primary or Focus Keyword?

Types Of Content That Can Be Repurposed

Here are a few examples of content that can be repurposed:

  • Old blog posts

  • Ebooks

  • Video Content

  • Social Media Posts

  • Infographics

  • Slide Decks / Slideshare Presentation / Powerpoint Presentation

  • Podcast Episodes

  • White Papers

  • Case Studies

  • Email Newsletters

  • Online Courses

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Content Idea Creation Guide

The Repurposing Process

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at how you can repurpose content for your own blog or website.

Start by identifying an original piece of content suitable for different mediums and decide what format(s) you want to repurpose it in:

Here are a few examples to get your started:

  • improve an original blog post that feels dated or didn’t get the attention it deserved when it was first published.
  • turn a text-heavy post into a video script of podcast episode
  • extend a blog post into a series or a two part article providing a deeper dive into the topic
  • transcribe a YouTube video which has only been released on the YouTube platform, or a podcast episode into a blog post, with the original visual / audio material embedded.
  • create a free guide or ebook from an email series (or visa versa)
  • create an infograph from data and statistics
  • turn an old social post containing valuable information into a guest post on someone elses marketing channel
  • Put a new spin on some blog content and submit it to blogging platforms like Reddit, Medium, Quora

Rewrite the content to fit the new format:

Don’t just copy and paste old content into a new format – take the time to research and incorporate fresh keywords for it and rewrite it so that it’s relevant.

Add new images, videos, or other multimedia:

Adding visuals (photographs, infographics, charts etc) can help to break up the text and make your content more engaging.

Publish it

Once you’ve finished, publish your repurposed content on your website or blog.

Link to it

There are 2 ways to link to your new content:

  • Internal links – create clear and concise clickable ‘anchor text’ to it from other relevant content within your website. You can see an example of how this works further up within this article where I internally link to more information about keywords.
  • External links – create links from social media content across multiple platforms

Repurposing Content For Social Media

In addition to repurposing content for your website or blog, you can also use it to create quality pieces for social content.

Here are a few tips:

– Try turning blog posts into pieces of Instagram content by visualising their titles and adding a summary of what the blog’s about in the description, along with some suitable hashtags

– People don’t usually to have time to read long paragraphs on social media (unless you are really good at writing compelling copy), so keep your posts short and to the point. A listicle can be a great way to do this.

– Visual content can be more engaging than text, so use quote graphics, images, reels or videos whenever you can.

repurpose social media content

– Repurpose content from popular posts: If you have a post that’s doing well on one platform it deserves repurposing for other sites

– Keep your tone and voice consistent: Make sure your social media posts sound like they came from the same person or brand

In Summary

Repurposing content should play an important role in your content marketing strategy. It is a great way to get the most out of your existing content, reach a new audience and improve your search engine rankings. By following these tips, you can create new content that’s fresh and relevant – and helps you stand out from the competition.

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Content Marketing


Feb 22nd, 2024